Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Our rooms

Casa Felice 4 bedrooms, 4 shower rooms, a private heated pool, eight to ten people

Discover more about accommodation

Casa Alta 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a private heated pool, seven to nine peopleCasa Alta 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a private heated pool, seven to nine peopleCasa Alta 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a private heated pool, seven to nine people

Discover more about accommodation

Casa Serena 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a private spa, five to seven people

Discover more about accommodation

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Villas Marincelu

Tour de Capriona, route de la Punta, Porto Pollo commune de Serra di ferro, 20140 Corse du sud, France

Title of your text

This space allows you to inform travelers on the theme of your choice. And if you said more about the city of your hotel and activities to do around? You can choose to put a text describing the hotel itself and express the service and care you can bring to your guests.